Day Break

This poem was inspired by a specific morning. I’d spent the night with my best friend: we’d built a tent from blankets in her back yard, and slept out there in the summer night, watching the bats circling above the tall trees. Then, very early, her father woke us, long before dawn, and we drove out to the lake. We launched the family motorboat, and her father took us out to the center of the lake. It was like glass, so calm, so quite. And he taught me to fish.

poem day break over pond

About Sarah

Now residing in Las Vegas, I was born in Michigan and moved to Texas when 16. After getting my Masters degree in English, I moved to Hollywood, because of the high demand for Medievalists (NOT!). As a freelance writer and editor, I found Nevada offers better conditions for the wallet. I love writing all sorts of things, and occasionally also create some artwork.
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