Designing a Cover

Years ago, I considered possible ideas for the cover art for my still-in-process fantasy novel, The Ring of Adonel. There are many possiblities: should I focus on the main character or on the cause of the action, the object everything is revolving around?

Recently I unearthed the following pieces that display my early thinking on the issue. In this case, I opted to focus on the object and its history.

Ring of Adonel sketch

The sketch was done on notepaper, and then quick ink with a felt-tip pen to create the general outline.

The Ring is there, and the figure of Adonel in flames. (Do you really want the whole explanation of the moment?)

From this, I experimented in rendering it in crayon. I’m not sure why I selected that medium, though it might have been about wanting the strong colors for the flames.

Ring of Adonel

Having rediscovered this piece, I’m liking it. It may become the basis for a more finished work.

Related Images:

About Sarah

Now residing in Las Vegas, I was born in Michigan and moved to Texas when 16. After getting my Masters degree in English, I moved to Hollywood, because of the high demand for Medievalists (NOT!). As a freelance writer and editor, I found Nevada offers better conditions for the wallet. I love writing all sorts of things, and occasionally also create some artwork.
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